j sparks law
In an effort to get information to noncitizens as quickly as possible, for free, Sparks Law offers the information below for anyone concerned about their rights and anyone concerned about being stopped or detained by immigration.
Please review these resources if you have general questions about your rights. If you then need to speak with an attorney at Sparks Law, please complete the CONTACT US section on our website so that we may contact you to schedule and send a payment link.
ACLU Resources
The Texas ACLU offers information about many immigration topics, including information about your rights if you have any contact with ICE. Their guides cover topics such as being stopped in public, being visited while at home, and being detained.
National Immigrant Justice Center
This resource offers free information about how to best protect yourself and free materials as well.
When ICE comes to your home…
If you are worried about ICE agents coming to your home, please review these documents.
Our Results Speak for Themselves
We Treat Our Clients Like Family
Deported Honduran National’s Case Reopened
Deportation Case Terminated
Man Previously Tortured by Police in His Country Was Awarded Protection
Protection Won for Torture Survivor
Juveniles Facing Deportation Petition for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
Removal Proceedings Closed
Child Sexual Abuse Victim Appeals for Asylum in Court
Victim of Child Sexual Abuse Granted Asylum
College Student Was Arrested for Possession
Client Released and Case Dismissed
Entered the U.S. Illegally
Parole Awarded to Mother of Soldier
Family Suffered Interrogation and Arrest in West Africa
Asylum Granted
Foreign Husband Petitions for Provisional Waiver
Family Suffered Interrogation and Arrest in West Africa