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What is a Supervisory Asylum Officer?

The U.S. Law Allows Asylum 

U.S. immigration law provides protection against deportation. The immigration  Law helps individuals that suffer persecution in their native countries. The law allows those who have been given asylum a right to remain in the United States. Also, eventually find their way through the process to become lawful permanent residents or green cardholders. At J. Sparks Law, PLLC, we routinely help clients with the asylum application process, and we are ready to help you as well.

Migration agent holding the visa application and passport

What Is A Supervisory Asylum Officer?

A supervisory asylum officer is an officer within the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with heavy responsibilities, including the following:

  1. A supervisory asylum officer ensures examiners are trained in every aspect of their duties. Including the law itself, procedures, and that these subordinates fully comply with the security regulations.
  2. To act as an ombudsman by observing employee performance and providing feedback and training as necessary, as well as to receive and act on any complaints from those going through the asylum process and complaining of mistreatment or officer misconduct.
  3. Ensures that asylum officers apply the same standard across the board in adjudicating asylum applications.
  4. To interpret and apply relevant policy, rules, regulations, and precedent decisions to make final determinations on complex asylum cases where a determination of eligibility is questionable under Title 8 CFR, Convention Against Torture (CAT), and Immigration and Nationality Act.

The Supervisory Asylum Officer Review The Asylum Officer’s Decision

Midsection of businessman examining invoice with magnifying glass at deskOf all these responsibilities for a supervisory asylum officer, the most important that directly impacts your case is the oversight over the asylum officer’s disposition of a case.  

A supervisory asylum officer has the responsibility to review the asylum officer’s decision. In order to make sure the decision is consistent with the law. This is particularly crucial where the asylum officer has denied an application.  Consequently, the supervisory asylum officer can overrule the asylum officer’s decision and have the case approved.

Depending on the circumstances of the case, the supervisory asylum officer may refer the reached at his or her level to asylum division staff at USCIS headquarters in Washington for additional review. Therefore that staff may decide to approve or deny your application to an immigration court. The court must have jurisdiction over your area of residence. The final decision on your case will be revealed in about two weeks. Certainly, after an asylum officer interviewed you.

What an Austin Immigration Lawyer Can Do for You

In conclusion, an experienced immigration lawyer knows what the law requires to have an asylum application properly filed and approved. We know the kind of things the asylum officers are looking for in an application. And also, what the officer will be looking at to affirm or reverse an asylum officer’s determination on your application.

If you are in the United States and are applying for asylum, contact our office today and schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help you.